Where is your energy going?

Really excited to share this podcast interview I did on Ben Coomber Radio. It was an honour to be invited on this show. Ben is such a cool down to earth guy. I felt like I was chatting to a life-long friend. I hope that’s how you feel when you listen.

Working on yourself to be happier can be tough, we see it is hippy woo woo stuff. But in a disconnected world where we spend more time on our phone and on social media than with our family, friends and doing the things we love, are we kidding ourselves? Are we limiting our potential and really putting our energy into the right places? This podcast will challenge what you believe and what you are doing with your time, our most valuable resource. Ben and I chat all things food, emotions, connection, social media, meditation, happiness vs contentment, our internal dialogue and more. Enjoy!

[maxbutton id=”28″ url=”https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/427-happy-hormone-dont-google-it-nutritionist-maria/id567519571?i=1000439115506″ ]

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